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tv   wusa 9 News at 5am  CBS  March 1, 2016 5:00am-6:01am EST

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george county one issue on the suitland parkway eastbound between silver hill and suitland. a live look shows how things are shaping up. this is suitland and south capitol street. we have cones there for a lane that is blocked. watch out for that as you make your way into town. you won't have any major issues and/or any major delays which is good news for your tuesday morning. back to the maps, metro is off to a good start. no reported issues. tuesday is going well thus far. weather and traffic are back on the 9s. next time we will give you an official update on metro and how things are shaping up in virginia. over to you. >> thank you, larry. super tuesday is here. voters in 12 states head to the polls as candidates continue their battle for the all- important delegate count. more delegates are up for grabs than any other time
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campaign. 49 for the g.o.p. 99 for the democrats right here in virginia. we are live outside a polling place in sterling with a look ahead. good morning, delia. >> things are quiet. things will start heating up and in an hour or so polls open at 6:00 a.m. voters will get a chance to say and cass their ballots after listening and analyzing these candidates for what seemed to be a long time during this lead up to the super tuesday race. now, don scott, polls show don scott with a significant lead here in the commonwealth. 30 percentage points over his close eat opponent marco rubio. the republican front-runner had a rally in southern virginia intercepted by activists with black lives matter. they were protesting
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scott's recent endorsement by white supremists. hillary clinton shared a stage with terry mcalive. polls have her leading bernie sanders 55-38. the controversy with don scott, he does have a significant lead in the commonwealth and leading up to super tuesday but will this controversy play a part in the results? we will have a look in the next half hour. live in sterling, delia goncalves. virginia is among the ten states holding republican and democratic primaries. republicans and democrats are caucusing in colorado. minnesota and american samoa and caucus in alaska and wyoming for republican voters. john kasich makes his way to the law school in arlington. the doors open at 11:00
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event begins at noon. former vice president al gore who has not endorsed a presidential candidate will be at the university of maryland today. he will be discussing the future of climate action. gore is set to formally announce the center for global sustainability that will be housed at the school. the talks start at 5:00 p.m. breaking news overnight, a deadly tractor trailer crash in urbana has roads blocked in frederick county. video from the scene shows the 18-wheeler flipped on its back upside down. police say only that vehicle was involved. eastbound finger board road will be closed at park road for the better part of the morning. investigators are still on the scene of a deadly house fire in southeast d.c. this happened at massachusetts and southern avenue. the flames broke out about 8:00 last night. one person died in the fire. al firefighter was badly injured but is expected to eventually be okay. no word on the ca
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in the fire or how the fire started. it has been more than 10 hours since a patient fled a mental health facility in falls church, virginia. virginia state police say michael marshal was last seen around 6:00 yesterday evening at northern v mental health institute. he has been known to exhibit violent behavior as well. if you see him, please call police and do not approach him. an officer shot and killed saturday, her first day on the job will be laid to rest today. a procession happened last night. hundreds of people came out to pay respects. mikea turner is live in woodbridge where her funeral will be held today. >> reporter: good morning. we are not able to get on the grounds of the church but today around noon the funeral for officer ashley guindon will be held. it's open to the general
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will come out to pay respects and pay final good-byes. the 28-year-old officer was just sworn in friday. a day later, her first day on the street she was killed. a procession that could be seen for miles was held around 7:00 p.m. the 28-year-old and telephone police officers were shot while responding for a domestic dispute at the home of staff sergeant roger hamilton. hamilton is accused of shooting guindon to death and wounding the police officers and accused of killing his wife, crystal hamilton. the two have an 11-year-old who is now staying with family members. again, officer begin begin's funeral will take place at noon. a viewing will start at 10:00 a.m. reporting live, my kia -- mikea turner. a new study between the lack of sleep and weight
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bring thousands of jobs to our area. allyson? >> we know something about no sleep here on this shift. okay. it's 5:06. time for weather wake-up call. an 8 out of 9. it is pretty perfect but can't give it a 9 because it
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bark to wake up washington. let's get to the changes heading your way tonight. enjoy today. enjoy the 60-degree temperatures and sunshine. not as windy as it was yesterday, either. by 8:30 into the 40s. big jump for areas starting around freezing. 6:00 tonight, no problems. upper 50s. a lot of barbecues might occur because today is the last day you get to enjoy. everything will tumble before the weekend. this is midnight. showers holding off
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corridor. this is the warm jest temperature of the day on wednesday after midnight. we are into the 50s. then the showers in the wee hours of the morning. they get out of here before 6:00, 7:00 in the morning. much of the commute is fine. now the temperatures take a tumble. notice the snow showers through the mountains. the winds so strong it will feel into the 30s all day on wednesday. coming up on your seven-day snow in the forecast as well. i know, it's 60 degrees and winter is back on the seven day. larry, are you excited about that. >> i am not. i have been outside with my flip-flops. it's glorious. all right. fast five, we are moving on the beltway, doing well 95 on the whole. volume kicking up on the northbound side as you work from fredricksburg and stafford to the springfield interchange. 66, 50 and 295 in
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directions. to the maps, for our metro communities, everything is on schedule for you. traveling on our bridges, 14th street bridge, memorial bridge, key bridge, 11th street bridge issue free commute. a live look shows i-270 at montrose road traveling southbound from frederick working to bethesda. an issue and problem free commute with clear traffic on the southbound and northbound sides. weather and traffic on the 9sment. two shootings in the district send people to the hospital. >> a suspect in a child porn case will be in court later this week. we have the latest coming up.
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your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%!
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(husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios.
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♪ ♪ new fresh step with the power of febreze. odor control worth celebrating. good morning. a live picture of the u.s. capitol. allyson says we will make it past the 60-degree mark. she will have the timeline coming up. breaking overnight in
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two separate shootings. i'm nikki burdine. at about 12:30, a man was shot at the intersection of martin luther king junior avenue and howard road -- sorry, a woman. the woman has nonlife- threatening injuries. police are looking for a black dodge charger with front end damage. police say a man was shot after midnight in the 4700 block of south capitol street. the victim in that case is expected to be okay. police are on the look out for a man dressed in all black who drove off in a light- colored pickup truck. it's not clear if the two shootings are related. that's the latest from the live desk. now back to you. >> thank you, nikki. >> you could get a $20,000 reward if you can help police catch a killer in maryland. authorities are trying to find the person that gunned down carlin ramirez. she was found dead last august. she was an active duty member of the u.s. army. anyone with information should
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call an andrea roane county police -- an arizona police. in a california case apple was ordered to create software to help the u.s. hack an iphone of one of the san bernardino shooters. bringing the new fbi headquarters to prince george county would mean a huge boost of economic development. the search has been focused on three sites, greenbelt, landover and springfield. the president is committed to asking for $1.4 billion to fund the project. the next court date will be bridge for a former teacher's aide linked to a child pornography case
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prince george county. dante carraway faces charges involving 11 victims ages 9 to 12. >> he should get the maximum whatever. the maximum. that is a grown man with kids, not with our kids. >> investigators say carraway made videos of kids having sex with him and each other. andrea i have not heard this yet. doctors at the university of chicago say a lack of sleep intensifies cravings for sweets and salty foods. sleep loss extent the effects. sleep starved patients eat nearly twice as much as those who got eight hours of rest. >> spring ahead or
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of stroke. that is according to researchers in finland. we have a rough couple of morning. stroke risk jumped 8% during the first two days of the time changes. >> you want more good news, lack of sleep, women suffer more strokes than men. >> no kidding. >> yeah. >> let's call it a day, guys. >> this week when you are tired, sometimes it gives you that burst of energy. >> salt, i go to the chips. >> i may or may not have just had a brownie. >> why is this not a perfect 9. >> almost perfect. it will change before midnight, showers and clouds move in and it will get ugly in the next da
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snow before we put winter in the books. not a storm but a coating out there for the grassy surfaces. the pavement might be too warm but the bridges, overpasses, you will see it on futurecast. it's gorgeous. clouds arrive later on tonight. showers arrive while you are sleeping. should stay away from thunderstorms. not expecting severe weather. a rumble of thunder, can't rule it out. when the showers get out of here, it will be windy. we start off in the 50s after midnight. it will just tumble all day long. into the 40s but with the winds so strong it will feel in the 30s wednesday afternoon. cold for snow showers possible thursday night and into friday. nice recovery. the weekend is good. 42 degrees. we will track the next storm system tonight. we stay mild until then. today is beautiful. have lunch outside. you won't be ab
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tomorrow. heading through futurecast. you see the showers arrive. we didn't issue the yellow weather alert because it will happen while you are sleeping. this is 2:00 in the morning. heading to work, we will see showers moving in through the area. but, look, 7:30, it's out of the way. snow showers, good news for the ski resorts, a couple of inches for those areas tonight and into tomorrow. thursday at 11:00, we are looking at snow showers coming through. it's a clipper system, fast moving, not a lot of moisture and we will track the developments of that as it heads our way. 61 today. 55 and falling for tomorrow. 42 thursday. chilly with snow showers coming through. how about the weekend? near 50 each day and warmer on monday. all right. >> bring up the spirits after the stories. goodness. marc, no issues on the rails, doing well on 50 travelwe
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highway to 16th street northeast, 17 minute commute. volume picking up on the northbound side of i-95 in virginia. but we are still doing well on the whole from dale boulevard up to i-395, 14 minute commute. eastbound i-66 free and clear of issues making your way into town. southbound on i-270 from finger board road to the capital pelt way in bethesda, 26 minute commute. outside, this is the northbound on the right side of the screen. doing well to the springfield interchange deciding whether to continue to i-395 or hop on the beltway. in either direction you are good to go. approaching the 14th street bridge, look out for traffic that is starting to pick up as you make your way into town. weather and traffic back onhe
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president obama sits down with members of the loyal opposition to discuss the opening on the supreme court. risk of e. coli at the national zoo. how they are working to keep the animals and visitors safe. ♪ put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'.
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the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. america runs on dunkin'. welcome back to wake up washington. president obama sits
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supreme court seat left vacant by supreme court justice antonin scalia. he intends to make a recommendation. republicans made it clear the decision should be left to the next president. the national zoo has temporarily shut down the kids' farm after finding e. coli in some animals. they are quarantined at another location. the zoo said no staff workers show signs of illness. they will reopen the farm after the animals receive three consecutive weeks of negative tests when it comes to e. coli. march is women's history life. rosie the riveters kicked off the celebration. they worked at a shipyard in world war ii. jerry brown's office helped celebrate the ceremony. let's send it
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allyson for the almost perfect forecast. >> we are starting off on the cool side. 28 for manassas. in the district 42. cool start but a nice warm afternoon. 60s for everybody. at least 60. sunshine. the clouds move in and so do the showers. tonight we will track that in a bit. >> good news in the weather department and good news in the traffic as well. doing well around the beltway 395 and 295 free and clear of issues. southbound on 95 from laurel to college park good to go there and southbound on i-270 issue and problem free. a live look at i-66 traveling eastbound into fairfax a smooth commute. traffic is picking up.
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it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits.
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>> pay respects for somebody in the line of duty trying to do the right thing. >> the public will be able to attend services for a officer killed in the line of duty. >> super tuesday is here. we are half hour away from the polls opening in virginia. >> how much microsoft's hallow graphic technology will cost you. >> good morning. welcome to wusa 9. i'm
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roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. let's check weather and traffic first. >> traffic has been busy. larry miller has that information. we begin with first alert meteorologist allyson rae giving it an 8 1/2 rating. >> not bad today. it's the everything hours that it takes a turn to the worse. comfortable. spots above freezing if not below freezing. it will be on the chillier side. you don't need the thick jacket later on today. we are not tracking wind gusts. this will be a completely different story come tomorrow. probably our windy yeast day we have seen in a while. that is what happens in march. windy around here. temperatures today, comfortable. a lot of sunshine and clouds will increase from the west to the east. so, into the west, 81 corridor earlier this afternoon. most of us hold off until after the drive home when we see the clouds move in. 60 by 1:00. low 60s for much of the region. cl,
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temperatures all in the immediate forecast and then the extended forecast, we are talking snow. yeah, we will explain in a bit. larry, over to you. >> thanks. metro riders, everything is on schedule for you. trains and buses, no issues there. around the beltway, quiet on the inner and outer loop. 395 and 295 doing quite well. traveling from oxon hill working to the southeast, southwest freeway you are good to go there. southbound on 95 from parts of laurel working into college park free and clear of issues. a live look shows you how things are shaping up outside. this is i-66 east of 234 traveling eastbound into the capitol beltway in fairfax you are good to go. super tuesday is here. many consider this the biggest race leading up to the general election and all eyes are on voters
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states. polls open in about 30 minutes. don't forget to bring a photo id. you need that in order to vote. delia goncalves is live in virginia. are you seeing anything yet. >> reporter: i was commenting to our photographer that it's quiet, not typical for super tuesday with polls opening in a half hour. no doubt things will get busy here at 6:00 a.m. when voters finally come here to cast ballots and weigh in on the candidates and controversy. 146789 polls show -- . reporter: polls show don scott with a lead. he is dogged by controvey
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endorsement by david ducks. his competitors using it to prove how unelectable and divisive trump. hillary clinton is proving to be the front-runner, a strong lead heading into super tuesday. she has, according to polls, a lead 55% to bernie sanders 38%. we will have much more on super tuesday and a breakdown of the candidates in the next half hour. >> thank you, delia. you can check out the complete virginia voters guide by downloading the wusa app. the commonwealth attorney in virginia says it man charged with killing two college students in virginia is expected to enter plea agreements in both cases.
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murder of hannah graham and morgan harrington t. he is due in court wednesday. he is serving life in prison for sexually assaulting a fairfax county woman in 2005. many are remembering the prince william county officer ashley guindon today. that's what family and friends will do in woodbridge, virginia where the funeral will be held. she was sworn in last friday. >> mikea turner joins us with more as we look ahead to the services today. >> reporter: officer guindon's funeral will take place at the church behind me. the funeral is open to the public giving everyone a final chance to say good-bye. a heart wrenching vision family and friends could have never imagined. police officers escorting the body of 28-year-old ashley guindon just sworn in to her new position friday. p
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night as people lined the streets, some waving american flags, others wiping tears. guindon was shot and killed on the first day of duty. she was with two other officers shot but are recovering from their injuries. the team was responding to a domestic dispute inside the home of her suspected killer, ronald hamilton, an army staff sergeant accused of killing his wife crystal hamilton. hamilton is being held without bond and faces first-degree murder charges. according to court documents, hamilton made statements to law enforcement officers that he shot his wife and the police officers. at this point in time, prosecutors are still determining whether to seek the death penalty. reporting live from prince william's county, mikea turner, wusa 9. in montgomery county, the maryland state highway administration will conduct a new traffic study at
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crash killed a mother, father and teenage son and badly injured their daughter. the family was heading eastbound on river road and attempted to make a left turn on to bray burn parkway. they collided with a driver heading westbound. twice before the state highway administration determined traffic at this intersection did not warrant a stoplight. a recall of all takata airbags will not make vehicles safer says a top federal auto regulator. this comes in response to florida senator bill nelson urging the national highway traffic safety administration to recall all takata airbags. ten people have died from airbags exploding with too much force. regulators say it would strain suppliers and create more uncertainty. the president of a maryland university has resigned after comments he made about freshman. >> a look at the future. how to get your hands on
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the first hallow graphic headsets and how much dough it will cost you. >> 5:37. time for your weather wake-up call. we are calling today an 8 out of 9. nearly perfect. only because we have changes after the sunsets. almost there. i have to be picky. can't be perfect every day d. we will be back to explain the changes.
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your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant.
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all right. let's get to the changes heading your way this evening. enjoy today. it will be perfect. a lot of sunshine and temperatures in the 60
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like spring. we are into the 30s for the suburbs. chilly out there. we will see the clouds increase in the afternoon. so, we get the sunshine for much of the day. this is 6:30. clouds increase first off to the west. midnight, this will be the warmest temperature for wednesday just after midnight. then the temperatures fall. cloudy skies. looking at showers approaching. 3:00, 4:00 in the morning, maybe a rumble of thunder. the showers out of here before your morning rush. that is why we don't have the yellow weather alert. the winds will be turning. it will be so windy tomorrow. wind gusts higher than 30 miles per hour. snow showers for the mountains. we will talk about in our neck of the woods in a little bit. larry, over to you. >> thanks. your fast 5, we move on the beltway with no issues on the inner or outer loop. i-66 working from gainesville.
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to the maps, south of the beltway, you guys are good to go on route 4, 5, 301 and 210. this is the beltway at temple hills road. traffic is doing well on the beltway. weather and traffic back on the 9s. back to you. >> thank you, larry. a kidnapping, car chase and chase on foot. >> a crazy story out of california that is still going on. nikki burdine has that up ahead.
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i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios.
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head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. america runs on dunkin'.
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outdoor recess. we are heading to the 60-degree mark. snow is in the forecast. in fairfax county, a rape suspect is off the streets and under arrest. he is 22-year-old edwin ponce martinez. police say he broke into a home in mount vernon on february 20th and raped the woman that lived there. he was spotted and taken into custody. he is being held without bond. this morning sportscaster erin andrews will take the stand in her civil lawsuit against a nashville hotel and a man that at mid to stalking her. she gave emotional testimony about the moment she found out nude videos of her were being posted online. >> a naked video of you on the enter night. i said no there is not. i don't do that. >> the man spent 2 1/2 years in
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fight the lawsuit. we are following a developing story out of california. a chase and stand off that started as a kidnapping yesterday and is still going on. they spotted the hummer in question and the chase began. police say the driver kidnapped his girlfriend and their two children, both under the age of 5 and refused to surrender. the chase continued all night. police followed not taking extreme measures to stop the hummer because of the children inside the vehicle. elf it stopped. he flickered his light. then the suspect got out and rain. >> heart-breaking thinking about the kids hoping and praying that the kids are okay. >> reporter: now, at last check the suspect it is still on the run. no word on the children in the vehicle. back to you. >> thank
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a top advisor to pope francis will testify about child abuse. his remarks have the pope's approval. he admitted that the catholic church made enormous mistakes allowing thousands of children to be raped and molested by priests over the centuries. the president of mount st. marys resigned effective immediately. calls for simon newman were growing since an article in a student newspaper. he planned to encourage struggling freshman to leave the school. not something that we see on star trek reruns. microsoft will ship the long awaited hallow lens to developers next month. the $3,000 headset projects hallow graphic images into view without blocking out the real word. that is around the
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oculus will ship. it creates a 360-degree fictional universe. subway is ensuring foot long subs will be a foot long. this is after a class-action lawsuit in 2013 when a teenager posted a picture of a sandwich that was only 11 inches long. as part of the settlement, the fast food chain will implement measures to make sure that the breed is 12 inches long worthy of the penny increase from 5.99. >> 6:01 now. >> or get your couple of pennies back if at this time eye less. >> a math lesson in rounding up. >> that's good. the practical use of math and fractions. >> every last bite counts. we are talking about big changes headed our way. we will get blasted back into winter before the weekend arrives. you know what, the weekend is shaping up to be okay. it's the next three days
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coaster. let's take a look at the weather headlines. it's gorgeous. back to the 60s. not as windy as yesterday. enjoy the light winds. it will be breezy at times. we are talking windy for tomorrow and for much of the rest of the week. showers overnight. we didn't issue the weather alert because the showers arrive after the evening rush today and before the morning rush tomorrow. while you are sleeping, no big deal. temperatures feel into the 30s by the afternoon. temperatures tumble all day long. now we are talking snow thursday into friday. not a big snowstorm, don't worry. we could see a coating for the elevated surfaces. early to tell the exact amounts. count on snow heading your way thursday into friday. here is the system tonight. lots of sunshine. the clouds approach from the west to the east. this is 3:00 this afternoon. here are the clouds. showers arrive overnight between midnight and 4:00 in the morning, showers, maybe a rumble
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severe. snow showers for the mountains. that will be nice. this gets out before 6:00 in the morning. snow arrives thursday after 9:00, after evening rush and before your friday morning rush. but we will be waking up to a little bit of white on the grassy surfaces. 55 and falling tomorrow. 42 for thursday. chilly thursday and friday and blustery. how about the weekend? 50 both days. do you wear flip-flops in 507 degrees, larry. >> flip-flops with socks. >> oh, gosh. [ laughter ] >> at least i'm honest. i only do did it when i'm home. i know it's a fashion faux pas, but it's my life. no issues on 50 traveling inbound from mlk into florida avenue northeast, a 12 minute commute. you will see growing volume on 95 on
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prince william to i-395, a 12 minute commute. traveling eastbound on i-66 from lee highway to ellis street a 26 minute commute. the pothole patrol is focused on prince george county. the pothole blitz today. they will patch of potholes caused by the blizzard. if you know of a crater in prince george county, you can report it. or tweet us. use city, street and block number for the location. there are four days left in our 20 k and 20 day sweet stakes. wake up washington is giving away $20,000. this advertise your chance to win your share of some of that cash. this is how to do it. you want an
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to you after 6:00 in the morning. very easy to win. we will give you a word of the day then you just need to be the ninth person to call in with the correct word. so, be sure to watch and win your share of $20,000. farmers in australia found an unconventional way to protest fracking. >> this is fun. farmers taught more than 2,000 sheep to spell out the word ban gas. they used trails of grain to spell out the message. >> to start off with, they were not responsive and weren't good spellers at all. we tried by spelling out the letters in the shape but that didn't work. >> there it is. frack being is a huge source of controversy. polar bears rarely give birt
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these images are rare. gerda gave birth in december. she is only able to play with the cub now. the cub wasn't strong enough. it is now to be seen in public. well, a day that most children dread, getting braces. a dog not too upset about his new smile. wesley lives in michigan with his owner molly. he was having trouble closing his mouth and stopped eating. fortunately molly's dad is a specialist in vet continue far dentistry and fitted him with braces. >> that is lucky. viewership for the academy awards continues to slide. ratings for the show dropped to the lowest level in seven years despite wait spread praise for chris rock and how he handled the diversity controversy. agent gibbs and the team will continue solving crimes for two more years. they renewed ncis for two more seasons. mark harmon signed
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year deal. it's in its 13th season. ncis is a member of the an exclusive 20 million viewer club. ncis is an international hit. it's licensed in more than 200 markets. it premiered in 2003. ladies, you might have missed your chance to bag a guy yesterday. >> a leap day proposal. 94.7's tommy mcfly joins us with the details. >> i want to introduce you to lane any. she heard us talking on the show how on leap day women are encouraged to propose so their guy. she heard it and wanted to pop the question to her guy, dan. we got involved. he thought he was going to dinner at clouds in tyson. >> i am not a good liar. that man can read my face like nobody's business. >> hi, honey. >> i'm
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you know that. >> pretty good. >> it's been really hard. >> i immediately said oh, god i forgot something. scan the face of who is here. add it up. what is going on. something is happening. i don't know what is happening. >> well, now, i'm going to ask you. >> yeah. >> with family and friends around, we were hugging and passing tissues. so beautiful. so beautiful. if you missed happy day, plan for 2020. back to you guys. >> looked like he wanted it over quickly. >> did he get a band or did she give herself a diamond engagement ring. >> she gave him a band. i think they will pick out a rock for her next. >> nice. congratulations to them.
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on super tuesday? >> at 6:00 we will go live to a polling place in virginia, one of 12 states holding decisive primaries. >> the latest on the deadly fire in southeast washington. could it be suspicious in origin. >> emotional tributes are pouring in for a fallen prince william police officer. we have a look at the funeral plans coming up.
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good morning. super tuesday. couldn't ask for a better day for election day. no problems getting out to cast your vote for virginia. 40 out there. cool in the suburbs. below freezing for manassas and culpeper. 41 hagerstown. heading to the 60s today. changes arrive tonight. showers, clouds and then cold temperatures. winter makes a come back before the weekend arrives. the planner today, heading to the 60s. 461 for this afternoon. breezy from time to time. larry, over to you. >> thanks. a close eye on the beltway where sky 9 is for a car fire that is responding
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the screen there. sky 9 is over that at cabot john parkway. watch out for that. delays are minimal at this point. use caution as you approach the accident site. weather and traffic are back shortly. as for the news, it starts now. good morning, washington. >> at 6:00 a.m. the polls are open as voters in several states including virginia head to the polls on this super tuesday. trump and clinton leading the pack. >> >> gone but never forgotten. officer ashley guindon, the officer shot and killed on her first day at work will be laid to rest. i will have a report coming up. >> we are following developments in a fatal fire in southeast d.c. we


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